Our Employees are one of the main drivers of our success, as we are a very selective organization, focus on certain specification that match with Al Alandalous culture and support the company growth. The Recruitment Process conduct in very professional way to hire the right person for the right job at the right Time. The Recruitment process for all applicants is performed in Fair and equal opportunity for each one. Identifying the right talent, attracting them and motivating them to apply are the most important aspects of the recruitment process. The job listing should be advertised internally to generate referrals as well as externally on popular social networking sites and preferred job boards. We have also a strong recruitment team ensures a strong recruitment process. The team’s role in the recruitment process is crucial because one wrong decision can affect the productivity of the entire workforce. You are different. You are Al-Andalous. Want to be an Andalousian? Find the right job for you. Apply now.